Selection of Warehouse for Rent by Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Case Study of TTT Company

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Watcharaphon Wongjun
Rissaphop Treesuwan


This article aimed to (1) study and analyze the factors of warehouses for rent; (2) study and assign priorities to the factors of warehouses for rent; and (3) select the most suitable warehouse using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The research model was quantitative research, using the concept of research synthesis and the analytical hierarchy process as a conceptual framework. The research area was the TTT company. the sample was Warehouse specialist of case study company total 3 persons. They were selected by all top management levels. There were two research tools: 1) research synthesis, and 2) the analytic hierarchy process. The instrument for collecting data was matrix table format to analyze data in quantitative research and qualitative research analysis data by descriptive statistics and content analysis.

The research results were found as follows: 1. Factors for selecting warehouse for rent through research synthesis; 2. The primary factors for choosing warehouse for rent were customer access 38.02%, convenient transportation 30.50%, transportation cost 16.00%, labor 9.50% and infrastructure availability 5.90% respectively; and 3. The most suitable warehouse for rent option was the WW warehouse, scoring 41%

By decision criteria, these include customer access, convenient transportation, transportation cost, labor, and infrastructure availability factors as to whether the alternative plan that will be preliminary screened is suitable for use as the alternative plan for the FF, WG, WW, and BL warehouses; The research will bring about factors and choices, which will develop into an analytic hierarchy process to select suitable warehouses for rent. The knowledge based on this research can be applied to different decision choices, the selection of warehouses, factories, branches location, company location can be selected under specified factors or conditions.

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How to Cite
Wongjun, W., & Treesuwan, R. (2022). Selection of Warehouse for Rent by Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Case Study of TTT Company. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4), 1755–1774. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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