The Results of Instructional Model Development Enhancing Critical Reading, Critical Writing and Self-Regulation Learning in English of Grade 9 Students

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Witthawin Pratangkati
Pijitra Thongpanich
Sarith Sri-Kao


This research article aimed to 1) compare the ability of critical reading, critical writing, and self-regulation in English of Grade 9 students before and after taught by PTK Model and 2) compare the ability of critical reading, critical writing, and self-regulation in English of Grade 9 students after taught by normally learning and by PTK Model. The research model was experimental research. The samples were two classes of Grade 9 students from two Educational Opportunity Extension Schools by Simple Random and select the sample group. The instruments for collecting data were Instructional Model; English lesson plans; test of the ability on the English critical reading; test of the ability on the English critical writing; subjective test of self-regulation learning for knowledge and learning process aspect and questionnaire test of self-regulation learning. An analysis of data using the statistical mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results showed that:

1. The Grade 9 students who were taught using the PTK model had higher scores in English critical reading, English critical writing, and self-regulation learning after studying than before, with statistically significant at the .05 level

2. The Grade 9 students who taught using the PTK model had higher scores in English critical reading, English critical writing, the subjective test of self-regulation learning for knowledge, the learning process aspect, and the questionnaire test of self-regulation learning for self-efficacy aspect after studying than students who taught normally teaching.

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How to Cite
Pratangkati, W., Thongpanich , P. ., & Sri-Kao, S. . (2022). The Results of Instructional Model Development Enhancing Critical Reading, Critical Writing and Self-Regulation Learning in English of Grade 9 Students. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4), 1829–1844. retrieved from
Research Articles


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