An Effectiveness of An Experience-Based Learning Model to Enhance Communication and Emotional Intelligence Capacities of Children Early Childhood

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Nataya Hokpanna
Sarit Srikhao
Nirat Jantharajit


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1. to compare the communication ability and emotional intelligence of students who have organized learning experiences according to style between before and after studying according to the pattern of learning management. and 2. to compare the communication abilities and emotional intelligence of early childhood students, between the learning group and the learning group by comparative analysis of communication abilities and emotional intelligence of preschool children. The group received the learning management according to the pre-school and post-school learning experience model by using a statistical t-test and comparative analysis of the communication ability and emotional intelligence of the preschool children in the group receiving the learning experience. Organize learning according to the learning experience and the group of students who received normal learning management.

The results of the study of basic information for the development of the learning experience model in organizing the learning experience, developing communication abilities, and developing emotional intelligence in early childhood indicated that communication and emotional intelligence are essential to a person's daily life. People with high EQ are characterized by good interpersonal relationships, know how to work as a team, and can create visual relationships with others. Know how to empathize with and understand the feelings of others as well. When there is a problem in life, know how to deal with it creatively. As well as those who have the ability to adapt well to various situations, the emotional intelligence of early childhood children was higher than the students who received Normal teaching was statistically significant at the .05 level, with the students in the Thong group having higher communication skills and emotional intelligence of early childhood children than the control group.

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How to Cite
Hokpanna, N. ., Srikhao, S. ., & Jantharajit, N. (2022). An Effectiveness of An Experience-Based Learning Model to Enhance Communication and Emotional Intelligence Capacities of Children Early Childhood. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4), 1845–1861. Retrieved from
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