Developing Management Strategic of Temples' Public Welfare in Nakhon Sawan Province
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This article aimed to 1) study the problem conditions, and factors of management strategic of temples’ public welfare in Nakhon Sawan Province; 2) develop the management strategic of temples’ public welfare in Nakhon Sawan Province, evaluate the management strategic of temples’ public welfare in Nakhon Sawan Province; and 3) evaluate public welfare management strategies of temples in Nakhon Sawan Province. This research was a combination of tools used to collect data. including questionnaires, interview forms, workshops, expert-based seminars, and strategy assessment forms, the statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean and standard deviation, and content analysis. It was found that:
1) Based on conditions, problems, and factors related to the public welfare administration of temples in Nakhon Sawan Province, it was found that planning the activities was still unclear. Organization management Still not consistent with the conditions of the temple, the leadership, or the unwritten instructions Regarding control, there is supervision, monitoring, and evaluation, but the members of the temple still lack knowledge and understanding; 2) Development of public welfare administration strategies in temples in Nakhon Sawan Province. It was found that it consisted of 3 strategies: (1) promotion of public welfare administration planning of temples in Nakhon Sawan Province; (2) increasing the ability to drive public welfare operations of temples in Nakhon Sawan Province; and (3) system development, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation of the public welfare administration of Nakhon Sawan temples. 3) Assessing the public welfare management strategies of temples in Nakhon Sawan Province found that the assessment of the suitability, possibility, and usefulness of the vision, mission, goals, and strategic issues It was found that most of them were at the highest level.
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