Career Skills Instruction Model to Enhance Critical Thinking for Grade 9 Students Ban Fangdaeng School (Phra Thep Woramuni Upatham)
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The purposes of this research were 1. to study current situations and needs and 2. to develop a career skills learning management model enhancing critical thinking skills for Matthayomsuksa 3 students affiliated with Nakhon Phanom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, Nakhon Phanom province. The target group was composed of 5 teachers of home economics and 15 students, selected by the purposive sampling method, and 5 experts to examine the quality of the learning management model. The research instruments were an interview and a connoisseurship evaluation. Statistics used were the mean and standard deviation.
The findings from the study revealed the following: 1) Teachers gave high importance to the development of students’ knowledge, understanding, and abilities according to the content framework and indicators in the curriculum. However, critical thinking must be enhanced with proper and reliable dimensions for seeking answers to make understanding of a new body of knowledge; and 2) the components of the learning management model are principles, concepts, and basic theory; the objectives of the model; the learning management process; social factors and responses; contributing factors and sources of learning; and evaluation. The overall result of quality assessment and appropriateness of the learning management model was at a high level.
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