The Development of Learning Activities by Using Design Thinking Process to Enhance Green Innovative Entrepreneurship Competency for Ninth Grade Students

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Watcharapol Boonprakorb
Jakkrit Junthakoon
Angkana Onthanee


This article aimed to (1) create and verify the effectiveness of learning activities using the design thinking process; (2) compare the green innovative entrepreneurship competency after using learning activities using the 70 criterion; (3) study the green innovative entrepreneurship competency level of students; and (4) study the opinions of students towards learning activities. This study was based on research and development methodology. The population was conducted with 33 students in the ninth grade at schools under the secondary educational service area office of Phitsanulok Uttaradit. They were selected by cluster random sampling. The research tools were (1) learning activities; (2) a competency assessment form; and (3) an after-action review form. The data were analyzed using the mean, percentage, standard deviation, T-test, and content analysis. The results of the study revealed that: 1. The learning activities using the design thinking process consisted of 5 steps. The result indicated appropriate quality with the highest level and efficiency at 75.12/75.46 which satisfied the 75/75 criterion. 2. Students were a green innovative entrepreneurship competency after learning was statistically significant higher than the 70 percent criteria at the .05 levels. 3. Students were a green innovative entrepreneurship competency at an advanced level and a developing level accounted for 72.73% and 27.27%, and 4. Students were motivated to produce green innovations, had the intention of being entrepreneurs, and were able to apply a variety of knowledge to change themselves in working to achieve success.

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How to Cite
Boonprakorb, W., Junthakoon, J., & Onthanee, A. (2023). The Development of Learning Activities by Using Design Thinking Process to Enhance Green Innovative Entrepreneurship Competency for Ninth Grade Students. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 1078–1095. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Watcharapol Boonprakorb, Majoring of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University, Thailand





Jakkrit Junthakoon, Majoring of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University, Thailand




Angkana Onthanee, Majoring of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University, Thailand





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