An Experience-Based Learning Model to Enhance Problem-Solving Abilities and Reasonable Thinking for Early Childhood
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This article aimed to study the effect of learning experience model contemplation on problem-solving abilities and rational thinking in early childhood, which was composed of: 1) a comparison of problem-solving abilities and rational thinking in early childhood before and after instruction based on the learning experience model; and 2) a comparison of problem-solving abilities and rational thinking in early childhood between instruction based on the learning experience model and a traditional learning experience approach. This research methodology was processed based on research and development that was designed for three phases and comprised Phase 3: studying the results of the learning experience model with the experimental group and control group students of the research study, those obtained using the cluster random sampling method. The research instruments that were implemented in the third phase were composed of 24 lesson plans, 5 item tests for problem solving ability, and 5 item tests of rational thinking. The statistical approaches that were assigned for analyzing the data were mean, standard deviation, t-test (dependent sample), one-way MANOVA, and univariate test. The research results revealed that: 1. The results of the implementation of the learning experience model to enhance problem solving abilities and rational thinking for learners revealed that: (1) the learners who were assigned learning activities based on the learning experience model showed higher problem-solving and rational thinking abilities than before learning, at the .05 level of significance; and (2) the learners who were assigned learning activities based on the learning experience model showed higher problem solving and rational thinking abilities than the control group, at the .05 level of significance.
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