The Preventive Approaches of Brain Drain in Human Capital Management Based on Thailand 4.0 Strategy

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Chuchit Chaithaweep
Thanistha Samai
Phramaha Somsak Thammachot
Thanatchaporn Harabutra


The loss of brain inventory or talented workers is a challenging problem for human resources to manage if human capital is to remain in the organization. Accordingly, this article aimed to explore the definition of terminology, causes of brain drain, and approaches for preventing brain drain in human capital management according to Thailand's 4.0 strategy by reviewing literature and related definitions of terminology, causes, and approaches for preventing brain drain. It was found that brain drain referred to the migration of highly skilled workers from one place to another for many reasons: lack of good governance, corruption, low wages, career growth opportunities, job insecurity, and a poor working environment. The approaches to preventing brain drain problems are recruiting and selecting good people, creating, and developing organizations, and managing remuneration to maintain a skilled workforce.

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How to Cite
Chaithaweep, C., Samai, T., Thammachot, P. S., & Harabutra, T. (2023). The Preventive Approaches of Brain Drain in Human Capital Management Based on Thailand 4.0 Strategy. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 927–943. Retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Chuchit Chaithaweep, Faculty of Political Science, Bangkokthonburi University, Thailand



Thanistha Samai, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, Thailand



Phramaha Somsak Thammachot, Faculty of Religions and Philosophy, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Thailand



Thanatchaporn Harabutra, Faculty of Political Science, Bangkokthonburi University, Thailand




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