Causal Factors Influencing Word of Mouth of Photography Service on Facebook Page of Consumers in Bangkok and Its Vicinity

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Narongsak Huangmak
Somchai Lekcharoen


The article aimed to: 1. develop and validate a causal relationship model of word of mouth of photography service on Facebook pages in Bangkok and its vicinity; and 2. study causal factors affecting word of mouth of photography service on Facebook pages in Bangkok and its vicinity. This study was quantitative research. The tools used in the research were online questionnaires. The sample consisted of people who had used the photography service on Facebook pages and lived in Bangkok and its vicinity of 400 people by purposive sampling technique. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, confirmatory factor analysis, and the structural equation model.

The results of this research were the development of causal relationship models consisting of 4 components: 1) perceived quality service; 2) satisfaction with the photography; 3) satisfaction with the Facebook page; and 4) word of mouth. The model is consistent with the empirical data to a great extent. The statistics showed CMIN/df = 2.04, GFI = 0.93, AGFI = 0.90, SRMR = 0.04, and RMSEA = 0.05. The final prediction coefficient was 0.59, indicating that the variables in the model can explain the variance of the word of mouth of the photography service on Facebook by 59 percent. It was found that satisfaction with the Facebook page had respective influences on word of mouth. The results of this research, which the photography service provider posted on their Facebook page, should satisfy customers in order to create their next word of mouth.

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How to Cite
Huangmak, N., & Lekcharoen, S. (2023). Causal Factors Influencing Word of Mouth of Photography Service on Facebook Page of Consumers in Bangkok and Its Vicinity. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(3), 1456–1473. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Narongsak Huangmak, College of Digital Innovation Technology, Rangsit University, Thailand



Somchai Lekcharoen, College of Digital Innovation Technology, Rangsit University, Thailand




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