Mental Development for Awakening According to Buddhist Psychology

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Sorawit Wongsaard
PhraMahathanom Pimsuwanand
Sainampeung Rattanangam


This article aims to study “Mental Development for Awakening According to Buddhist Psychology” found that human beings have 2 components: body and mind, but giving importance to “mind” more than “body” because the mind has a unique nature in the abstract. Unable to show morphology It believes that every behavior is a form of expression that is directed by the mind. Understanding the matter of “mind” leads to self-understanding. In modifying certain inappropriate behaviors of individuals Therefore, a mind complete with consciousness and awareness brings benefits at the individual level of awareness and role in shaping people’s consciousness and behavior to be appropriate for globalization in daily life. With the basis of mindfulness to apply and setting sub-positions every moment Building a friendship of awakening Right mindfulness and right concentration are the main foundations for the development of the mind itself.

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How to Cite
Wongsaard, S., Pimsuwanand, P., & Rattanangam, S. (2023). Mental Development for Awakening According to Buddhist Psychology. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2830–2847. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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