Products Price Management of Business Entrepreneur After the Covid-19 Era

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Pramote Yotkeaw
Ratiwan Wattanasin
Nakul Rerkjarichumpol
Somteerap Promsiri


This article aimed to explain the conceptualization of product price management in relation to key factors after the COVID-19 era of business entrepreneurs, when the business shop to start a business by remodeling creates more special products at higher prices or according to cost. Some businesses whose prices do not match the cost of the product follow the high image investment and create an emotion to show high value. Therefore, the price must be set as high as the desired target to achieve a quick cashback or a large profit. In this regard, consumers decide on expenses that are suitable for income from the post-COVID economic situation in Thailand. When the country opens, entrepreneurs hope that tourists will spend money to buy products like in the past, but they may be disappointed because the world was affected by the economic contraction or slump. Therefore, the product price management of entrepreneurs should consider cost as an especially important factor in organizational goals, and after COVID-19, the focus should be on the need for learning about tourism, purchasing systems, marketing, and technology that create a balance in value satisfied under the virtue of sharing for society and the environment.

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How to Cite
Yotkeaw, P., Wattanasin, R., Rerkjarichumpol, N., & Promsiri, S. (2023). Products Price Management of Business Entrepreneur After the Covid-19 Era. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(3), 1325–1340. retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Pramote Yotkeaw, Faculty of Management Science, Suan Dusit University, Thailand



Ratiwan Wattanasin, Faculty of Management Science, Suan Dusit University, Thailand



Nakul Rerkjarichumpol, Faculty of Management Science, Suan Dusit University, Thailand



Somteerap Promsiri, Faculty of Management Science, Suan Dusit University, Thailand




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