Development of Learning Management Model based on Phenomenon-Based Learning and Thinking to Enhance Ethical Decision-Making Ability for Undergraduate Students of Kasetsart University

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Nart Srilapo
Oraphan Butkatunyoo


This article aimed to develop and study the effects of the development of a learning management model based on phenomenon-based learning and thinking to enhance ethical decision-making ability for undergraduate students at Kasetsart University. The research design was research and development. The research framework is based on phenomenon-based learning and thinking. The target group were 9 students of Kasetsart University who enrolled in the subject of Ethics and Code for Teachers’ Profession. The instruments for collecting data were composed of a treatment tool, that was, a lesson plan developed by a researcher, and a data collection tool, which consisted of 1) ethical decision-making ability tests. 2) Personal characteristics on the ethical decision-making ability assessment form; and 3) Ethical decision-making behavior assessment form. Analysis data by using percentages to analyze the level of ethics development.

The research results were found as follows: 1. The learning management model comprises four steps: 1) confronting a situation, 2) sharing ideas, 3) combining differences, and 4) creating a self-path. 2. The overall ethical decision-making ability aspects of the target group were increased. Individual ethical decision-making abilities of the target group were accelerated by 4, 5, and 6 learning units: 2, 5, and 2 persons, respectively. There was only one target group that decreased in 1 learning unit and also a learning unit in which the target group was unchanging and composed of learning units 1, 3, 5, and 7, 3, 8, 1, and 4 persons, respectively.

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How to Cite
Srilapo, N., & Butkatunyoo, O. (2023). Development of Learning Management Model based on Phenomenon-Based Learning and Thinking to Enhance Ethical Decision-Making Ability for Undergraduate Students of Kasetsart University. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(3), 1284–1303. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Nart Srilapo, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Thailand



Oraphan Butkatunyoo, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Thailand




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