Factors Affecting the Stock Prices of Registered Companies in Stock Exchange of Thailand, SET100 group

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Suphamon Duangta
Kasama Kasorn
Pheerapol Sriwichai


The stock prices of registered companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand are important factors for investors in their investment decisions. The objective of this study was to identify the internal and external factors affecting the stock price of registered companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, SET100 Group. The collections came from the stock exchange online information system service database by the synthetic study during the fiscal year 2017–2021 A.D., in the form of annual reports on 56-1, including other websites of 270 data. Data analysis was analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis, including mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The study revealed that the internal factors have a positive relationship at statistically significant levels of 0.01, and 0.05, affecting stock prices such as net profit margins and the ratio to returns on equity of shareholders, and the external factors have a negative relationship at statistically significant levels of 0.05 and 0.01, affecting stock prices such as the exchange rate of Baht against the US dollar and gross domestic products. However, the study benefits will require investors to have knowledge and understanding in order to make efficient investment decisions.

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How to Cite
Duangta, S., Kasorn, K., & Sriwichai, P. (2023). Factors Affecting the Stock Prices of Registered Companies in Stock Exchange of Thailand, SET100 group. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2443–2456. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/265724
Research Articles


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