Influence of Reference Groups and Attitudes towards Self-appearance on Consumers' Decision to Undergo Cosmetic Surgery in Bangkok
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The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of reference groups and attitudes toward one's appearance on the decision-making of consumers in Bangkok regarding cosmetic surgery and the intermediate influence on the desire for plastic surgery. This study was quantitative research. The study population consisted of general consumers living in Bangkok who were interested in cosmetic surgery. Convenient random sampling was performed for 400 samples using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation). Structural equation model analysis was used to test the hypothesis.
The research results showed that the revised structural equation model fits well with the empirical data. The influence of reference groups and self-appearance attitudes did not directly affect the decision-making process for cosmetic surgery. However, indirectly, it has a positive effect on the decision-making process for cosmetic surgery among consumers in Bangkok through the desire for cosmetic surgery, with a statistically significant level of .00 and a predictive power of 86%. The knowledge and findings from this research include: 1) sharing positive experiences is one form of developing effective communication strategies with customers (P); 2) life experiences of individuals who have made decisions regarding cosmetic surgery (L); 3) influencing arts to manipulate people's hearts by motivating other consumers to have positive perceptions of cosmetic surgery (A); and 4) persuading arts to influence consumers' minds by better understanding their desires regarding cosmetic surgery (M).
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