Factors Affecting the Integrated Community Health Care System According to the Medical Pluralistic Concept of Nong Rong Subdistrict, Phanom Thuan District, Kanchanaburi Province
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The purposes of the article were 1) to analyze the integrated community health care system and the factors relating to the integrated community health care system based on the medical pluralistic concept, and 2) to analyze the factors affecting the integrated community health care system based on the medical pluralistic concept in Nong Rong subdistrict, Phanom Thuan district, Kanchanaburi province. The article used a mixed method. Document analysis, community surveys, and questionnaires collected the data. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. The qualitative data used content analysis.
It was found that the Nong Rong community had an integrated community health care system based on the medical pluralistic concept, or the well-being community's system was high. As for all variables of health factors in the final stepwise multiple regression analysis to predict the criterion variable, community health, it found five variables, namely self-health care behavior, health knowledge, health perception, self-health care attitude, and access to health services. It can be predicted that community health was at 32.2%. The predictive equation could be constructed from unstandardized scores and standardized scores.
The predictive equation in the unstandardized score:
= 1.880 + 0.318(X7) + 0.368(X1) + 0.345(X2) + 0.288(X4) + 0.125(X12)
The predictive equation in the standardized score:
Y = 0.258(ZX7) + 0.221(ZX1) + 0.278(ZX2) + 0.232(ZX4) + 0.110(Z X12)
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