The Development of Critical Thinking Using Socio-Scientific Issues Based-Learning on Creatures and Environment toward 5th grade Students
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This article aimed to study (1) guidelines for socio-scientific issues (SSI) based-learning on creatures and environments and (2) the development of critical thinking skills after receiving learning management for 5th grade students. The research methodology was qualitative action research using constructivism, socio-scientific issues (SSI) based-learning, and the critical thinking of Watson and Glaser (2002). The target group was 24 5th grade students of a municipal school in Sukhothai during the academic year 2022. The research tools were 1) lesson plans; 2) reflections; 3) activity worksheets; and 4) critical thinking assessment forms. The data analysis was content analysis using mean, percentage, and content validation by method and resource triangulations. The research results were found as follows:
1. Guidelines for socio-scientific issues (SSI) based-learning consisted of: 1. identifying; 2. recognizing; 3. investigating; 4. reviewing; and 5. reflecting.
2. The result of critical thinking development during learning management 3 action cycles was excellent at 80.74 percent, and the result of critical thinking assessment after learning management for students was good at 82.08 percent.
This result of the research was guidelines for socio-scientific issues (SSI) based-learning to develop critical thinking skills for primary and secondary students continually.
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