Management of Small and Medium Enterprises by Applying Digital Technology

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Duangrit Benjathikul Chairungruang


The objectives of this research were as follows: (1) to study the administration of small and medium enterprises by applying digital technology; 2) to study the problems and obstacles in the administration of small and medium enterprises by applying digital technology; and 3) to study guidelines for the administration of small and medium enterprises by applying digital technology. This study was qualitative research. Key informants were executives and government personnel involved in associated associations, academicians, and entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized enterprises; a total of 24 people were selected by a purposive selection. The research tool was an interview. The data were analyzed with a descriptive summary.

It was found that 1) the administration of small and medium enterprises by applying digital technology consisted of the government and related government agencies had a policy to promote and support seriously. There were financial support measures and the development of channels to access funding sources for SMEs to access more funding sources. There were tax measures to promote the adoption of digital technology. There was an ecosystem conducive to innovation, such as a database system. Infrastructure, rules, regulations, patent system and promoted electronic commerce, enhancing knowledge and skills in technology including labor and development of online learning resources, cooperation between the public and private sectors and educational institutions,  2) the problems and obstacles in the administration of small and medium enterprises by applying digital technology were found that there was a lack of clear direction and goals, a lack of cooperation, entrepreneurs did not pay attention, a lack of knowledge, innovation of entrepreneurs, labor, high investment, and shortage of funds, reviewed tax policy, improved the law, obstructive regulations, developed the country's infrastructure, building knowledge and skills readiness, promoted research, development and innovation Including the establishment of a specific counseling center.

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How to Cite
Benjathikul Chairungruang, D. (2023). Management of Small and Medium Enterprises by Applying Digital Technology. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2554–2569. Retrieved from
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