The Decision Making to Revisit Thailand of Chinese Free Independent Travelers

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Naruemon Meenui
Somchit Luanchamroen
Piyamas Suesawadwanit


The tourism industry is an important economic factor for Thailand. Income from tourists traveling to Thailand Before the COVID-19 crisis situation, during the year 2015 to 2020, income could be made into the country of 9.04 trillion baht when ranked by income from foreign tourists who arrived. In the country, it was found that the top 5 countries that generate the most income for the Thai tourism industry are 1. China, 2. Russia, 3. Malaysia, 4. United Kingdom and 5. Japan. Foreign tourists who travel the most are Chinese tourists. representing 52.96 percent of all tourists This academic article aims to present Tourism push and pull tourist satisfaction tourist loyalty Willingness to return to travel again independent Chinese tourists (FIT) so that the study can use the information presented to develop and research decision-making patterns for repeat travel of independent Chinese tourists in Thailand. To take advantage and be able to develop the economic growth of Thailand in the future.

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How to Cite
Meenui, N., Luanchamroen, S., & Suesawadwanit, P. (2023). The Decision Making to Revisit Thailand of Chinese Free Independent Travelers. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2848–2855. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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