Development of School-Based Management Model for Local Development Under Kalasin Provincial Administration Organization

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Pipiddhanawadee Somkhane
Teera Runcharaen


This research aimed to develop a school-based management model for local development under the Kalasin Provincial Administration Organization. It was participatory research and development. The population used in this research was the chairman of the committee, the director of education/Deputy Director of Educational Institutions, 36 students, and subject leaders and teachers, 70 people, for a total of 106 people. Questionnaires, group discussions, expert seminars, and school-based management model manuals for local development. Qualitative data analysis using content analysis and inductive conclusion generation, and quantitative data analysis with descriptive statistics. The results showed that:

1. Basic information for creating a school-based management model for local development the Key research areas were as follows: The composition and indicators of school-based management in local development, consisting of 4 aspects and 40 indicators, were found to be at the highest overall level. The current conditions and desirable conditions of school-based management for local development are at a high level.

2. School-based management model for local development Overall, there was average accuracy, suitability possibilities, and usefulness at the highest level.

3. Experimenting with a school-based management model for local development conclusions using the action research process.

4. Evaluate the effectiveness of school-based management model development in local development. It was found that the overall implementation of the pattern from the list of compliance indicators was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Somkhane, P., & Runcharaen, T. (2024). Development of School-Based Management Model for Local Development Under Kalasin Provincial Administration Organization. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1504–1521. Retrieved from
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