Development of a Personal Savings Management System with an Application of People of Working Age Group in Bangkok

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Pimlapas Suksawat


This Article aimed to study (1) demographic characteristics, behaviors on using a personal savings management system with an application (2) development of a Personal Savings Management system with an application (3) study correlations between demographic characteristics of users and their behaviors on an application and (4) study different user behaviors with satisfaction towards an application of People of Working Age group In Bangkok. The sample was  400 financial service users in Bangkok. The instrument of this research was a questionnaire. The statistics used for analysis data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square-test

The research results were found as follows; (1) the web application consisted of 1) Registration 2) Homepage 3) Income & expense according 4) Report of income & expense 5) Learning resources and 6) Consulting (2) the majority of users were female; aged between 15 and 25 years; education level was Bachelor’s degree; they were private company employees; their monthly incomes between 15,000 and 20,000 Baht and marital status was single. For behaviors on most of them used the application 3 times per week for 62.7 percent (3) This developed application has been downloaded and used no less than 500 times and the satisfaction response from users who participated in testing the application was at a level of not less than 3 stars as set as the goal and (4) Satisfaction towards using application showed that the majority of respondents were satisfied with the application at high level. For each aspect, they were most satisfied with product, followed by distribution, price and promotion, respectively.

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How to Cite
Suksawat, P. (2024). Development of a Personal Savings Management System with an Application of People of Working Age Group in Bangkok. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1522–1542. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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