The Impact of Brand Image on Repurchase Intention in Chinese Tea Brands: A Study on the Mediating Role of Customer Engagement

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Luo Rui
Umawasee Sriboonlue
Suraporn Onputtha


Tea industry is one of the pillar industries of China's agriculture. With the development of society, the competition in China's tea industry is becoming more and more severe. This study fills in tea as a case study of the impact of brand image on customer loyalty through customer engagement. The objectives of this research were threefold: 1. analyze the direct impact of brand image on repurchase intention of Chinese tea brands, and gain an in-depth understanding of the important role of brand image in the consumer decision-making process; 2. explore the mediating role of customer engagement between brand image and repurchase intention, including analyzing how customer engagement enhances the positive impact of brand image on repurchase intention; and 3. based on the findings of the study, provide practical suggestions for Chinese tea brands to formulate marketing strategies and customer relationship management, especially in terms of enhancing customer engagement and strengthening brand image. This study adopts a quantitative research method. The quantitative analysis was conducted using a questionnaire survey, with data from five randomly selected tea brands among the top 20 tea brands in Sichuan Province as the research subjects, and the data was collected using a questionnaire star, and analyzed by structural equation model using SMARTPLS 4.0 software. The results of the study show that tea brand image has a direct and significant effect on repurchase intention; tea brand image has a significant effect on customer engagement; customer engagement has a significant effect on repurchase intention; and customer engagement plays a significant role as a mediator variable in the effect of tea brand image on customer engagement. This study provides constructive recommendations for marketing strategies and customer relationship management for Chinese tea brands, with particular emphasis on the key role of customer engagement in enhancing tea brand image and repurchase intention.

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How to Cite
Rui, L., Sriboonlue, U., & Onputtha, S. (2024). The Impact of Brand Image on Repurchase Intention in Chinese Tea Brands: A Study on the Mediating Role of Customer Engagement. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1409–1429. Retrieved from
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