The Study of Components and Indicator for Administration to Support the Tourism Industry in College under the Office of Vocational Education Commission
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This article aimed to study the components and indicators of management to support the tourism industry in educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. It was documentary research and interviews with experts who had experience in vocational education administration by selecting specifically collected data to obtain key elements, sub-components, and indicators using a semi-structured interview group of key informants. There were 10 experts in the tourism industry. Research tools: 1) Semi-structured, in-depth interviews. Then ask for opinions to confirm the elements and indicators. Using a questionnaire to assess agree and disagree, data were analyzed using content analysis, and a descriptive narrative was written. It was found that components and indicators of management to support the tourism industry of educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission consisted of 4 main components, 10 sub-components, and 103 indicators, including: 1. Input, consisting of 1) policy, 13 indicators, 2) curriculum development, 7 indicators, 3) personnel, number 8 indicators, and 4) learner side, 5 indicators. 2. Process side, consisting of 1) network creation, 14 indicators, 2) management, 7 indicators, 3) teacher development and personnel, 6 indicators, and 4) supervision and evaluation, 4 indicators. 3. Output consists of professional competencies of graduates, 6 indicators, morality and ethics of graduates, 9 indicators. And 4. Environment consists of 1) political aspect, 8 indicators, 2) economic aspect, 9 indicators, 3) social aspect, 9 indicators, and 4) technology aspect, 9 indicators.
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