The Curriculum Development of Instructional Design for Preservice Special Education Teachers

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Xiaoqin Yan
Khanitta Saleemad
Daranee Saksiriphol


There is an urgent need for pre-service special education teachers to improve their teaching design ability. This study aimed to develop a curriculum for enhancing the instructional design ability and evaluate its effectiveness. The sample comprised 32 junior preservice special education teachers from Chongqing Normal University. The researchers employed a research and development approach to develop the curriculum and the process, including four stages: 1) basic information study; 2) curriculum development; 3) curriculum implementation; and 4) curriculum evaluation and improvement. The research results were found as follows:

1. After the curriculum implementation, the instructional design ability of preservice special education teachers was higher than before.

2. The instructional design ability of preservice special education teachers had been enhanced before, during, and after implementing the curriculum.

These findings underscore the significance of targeted curriculum interventions in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, ultimately fostering more effective instructional practices among preservice special education teachers.

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How to Cite
Yan, X., Saleemad, K., & Saksiriphol, D. (2024). The Curriculum Development of Instructional Design for Preservice Special Education Teachers. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(5), 2872–2889. retrieved from
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