Causal Factors Influencing Purchase Intention to Renting Clothes on Facebook Page LA-MOON-NEE of Consumers in Bangkok and Its Vicinity
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The article aimed to 1) develop and validate a causal relationship model of causal factors influencing purchase intention to rent clothes on Facebook Page LA-MOON-NEE of consumers in Bangkok and its vicinity and 2) study causal factors influencing renting clothes on Facebook Page LA-MOON-NEE of consumers in Bangkok and its vicinity. This study was quantitative research. The sample was people who have rented clothes on the Facebook page LA-MOON-NEE and live in Bangkok and its vicinity of 200 people. The tools used in the research were online questionnaires. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model. The results of this research were the development of the causal relationship models that consisted of 4 components: 1) e-WOM; 2) brand image; 3) brand awareness; and 4) purchase intention, and the model was consistent with the empirical data to a great extent. The statistic showed CMIN/df = 1.56, GFI = 0.94, AGFI = 0.90, SRMR = 0.03, RMSEA = 0.05. The final was a predictive coefficient of 0.63, indicating that the variables in the model can explain the variance of the purchase intention to rent clothes on Facebook Page LA-MOON-NEE by 63 percent. It was found that e-WOM, brand image, and brand awareness have a direct influence on customers' intention to rent clothes, respectively. Clothing rental business operators should consider word-of-mouth impressions. and maintain a good image View customer satisfaction as important in order to create willingness to use the service.
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