Model of Innovative Leadership Based on Papanika Dhamma for School Administrators under Office of Primary Educational Service Area

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Pakwilai Champati
PhramahaYannawat Buddawong
Peravat Chaisuk


The objectives of this dissertation are: 1) to study the need for innovative leadership among educational institution administrators under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area; 2) to develop an innovative leadership model based on the principles of Papanika Dhamma for educational institution administrators under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area; and 3) to evaluate the innovative leadership model according to the principles of Papanika Dhamma for educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Primary Educational Service Area Office. It is a combined method of research. There are 3 research steps: Step 1: To study the needs and necessities for innovative leadership among educational institution administrators by using a questionnaire on a sample of 368 teachers, the data were analyzed using basic statistics, namely, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the index of essential needs. Step 2: To develop a model by interviewing 10 key informants and organizing group discussions with 9 experts. Research tools include an interview form and question guidelines for group discussions. The data were analyzed using content analysis. And step 3: To evaluate the model by using an evaluation form with a sample of 310 educational institution administrators, the data were analyzed using basic statistics, namely, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results of the study found that: 1. The need for innovative leadership among educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Primary Educational Service Area Office overall, with an index of essential needs between 0.055 - 0.076. The element with the highest need is innovative vision, followed by innovative creativity, courage to take innovative risks, and transformational leadership, respectively. 2. An innovative leadership style according to the principles of Papanika Dhamma for educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Primary Educational Service Area Office consists of five elements: Component 1: Principles: Educational institution administrators have management methods integrated with Buddhist principles and innovative leadership to develop educational institutions. Component 2: Objective: It is a guideline for educational institution administrators to apply the principles in their administration for greater efficiency and effectiveness. Component 3: Integrating innovative leadership (vision, innovation) according to the principles of Papanika Dhamma, namely, 1) Cakkhuma, having wisdom and foresight; 2) Vidhuro, having good management; and 3) Nissayasampanno, having good human relations. Component 4: Application in the administration of educational institutions in 4 areas: academic administration, personnel management, budget management, and general administration. And Element 5: Evaluation. 3. Evaluation of innovative leadership styles according to the principles of Papanika Dhamma for educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Primary Educational Service Area Office Overall, the evaluation results were at the highest level in all 4 areas: usefulness, correctness, feasibility, and appropriateness, respectively. A summary of research knowledge is concluded in PAKWILAI.

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How to Cite
Champati, P., Buddawong, P., & Chaisuk, P. (2024). Model of Innovative Leadership Based on Papanika Dhamma for School Administrators under Office of Primary Educational Service Area. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1804–1827. Retrieved from
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