Interpretation for Sustainable Water Consumption and Production Awareness: Case Study, Samui Island

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Ratchaneekorn Sae-Wang


This research's objectives were to 1) design interpretative activity for sustainable water consumption and production awareness and 2) implement interpretative activity for sustainable water consumption and production awareness. This study was action research collecting data by 1) documentary survey; 2) in-depth interview with the mayor and executive board of Koh Samui Municipality and Department of Environmental Quality Promotion; 3) field survey; and 4) non-participant observation based on content analysis and guideline of interpretation as a theoretical framework.

The findings were as follows: 1. Interpretation is designed in the “Save Water Save Samui” concept as follows: 1) a magnet with monkey symbolism; 2) a banner for water consumption; 3) a textile board; 4) a Thai folk song; and 5) a contemporary dance, “Spirit of Water.”. 2) The interpretative activities have been implemented for two days, and it was found that there were 462 participants, and most are tourists, both foreigners and Thai. Some of them, 102 tourists, were involved with activities.

However, the analysis of interpretative implementation for sustainable awareness found that the public participation process is ignored, and activities cannot perform concrete sustainability since it has not directly impacted stakeholders. Consequently, authorized decision-makers should enhance public participation, broaden the environmental network, implement diverse and creative media, design curricula with environmental and natural resources preservation courses, and accomplish tax policy. This study has then proposed a TEE tax model, strongly impacted by stakeholders, and encourages economic incentives for sustainable and tangible operations.

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How to Cite
Sae-Wang, R. (2024). Interpretation for Sustainable Water Consumption and Production Awareness: Case Study, Samui Island. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(6), 3300–3317. Retrieved from
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