The Buddhist Innovations for Enhancing and Developing the Potential of Human Capital in Government Organizations

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Chakkree Sricharumedhiyan
Phrakhrusutheejariyawat Sakorn Pagdenog
Aphichit Mueaithaisong


The objectives of this research were to: (1) study problems related to human capital capacity building and development in government organizations; (2) study factors affecting human capital capacity building and development in public sector organizations; and (3) present innovative Buddhist models for human capital capacity building and development in public sector organizations. The research utilized a sample of 164 individuals from the Khon Kaen Provincial Administration Organization. Contributors in the structured interview: 9 people. Expert in assessing Buddhist innovation model for human capital capacity building and development in public sector organizations, 9 persons. The tools used in the research included structured interviews and 25 questionnaires with a classification power value (r) ranging from .617 to.834. Using the alpha coefficient, the total confidence was 0.966. The data analysis employed the following statistics: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient, as determined by Pearson's method (r). Multiple Regression Analysis: MR and Descriptive Analysis. The results of the research showed that:

1. The problems and factors affecting the building and development of human capital capacity in government organizations were prevalent and closely related to each other. The side with the highest opinion was the need for recognition, followed by the need for attachment or acceptance. The side with the lowest opinion was the need for safety and stability.

2. The test revealed the relationship between problem conditions and factors that influence the enhancement and growth of human capital potential in government organizations. It was found that there was a statistically significant positive correlation at the level of.01.

3. The study delved into the issues and elements that influence the development and enhancement of human capital in government organizations. It had been found that there were variables about human needs and necessities that jointly predicted factors affecting human capital capacity building and development in public sector organizations. Statistically significant (P-value =.000), all three variables can explain the variation of factors affecting human capital capacity building and development in public sector organizations by 56.0% (R2 =.560). The following raw score represents the forecast equation: Y = 1.770 +.205X1+.214X2 +.159X3

4. The evaluation results of Innovative Buddhist Models for Strengthening and Developing Human Capital Potential in Government Organizations were found to be at a high level overall. The aspect of accuracy received the highest level of approval. Next were suitability and feasibility. The utilization side received the least favorable opinion.

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How to Cite
Sricharumedhiyan, C., Sakorn Pagdenog, P., & Mueaithaisong, A. (2024). The Buddhist Innovations for Enhancing and Developing the Potential of Human Capital in Government Organizations. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(5), 3056–3074. Retrieved from
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