The Development of the University Social Engagement Operating System for Thai Higher Education Institutions

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Sujitraporn Thabkrong
Chakrit Ponathong
Ophat Sukwan


This article aimed 1) to study good practices in the operation of university-society relations missions of Thai higher education institutions and 2) to develop a system for operating the university-society relations missions of Thai higher education institutions. The research format was research and development. Key informants were 25 representatives of higher education institutions using a specific selection method. There were 3 types of tools used in the research: 1) a document recording form and an in-depth interview form on good practices in the operation of university and social relations missions of Thai higher education institutions; 2) a draft of the university mission relations operating system with the society of Thai higher education institutions; and 3) a group discussion data analysis form. The data were analyzed through content analysis and the writing of descriptive narratives.

The research results were as follows: 1. Good practices in terms of inputs or objectives had 45 practices. Good practices in processes had 44 practices and good practices in terms of productivity or groups of people; there were 59 practices, with one newly synthesized indicator being internationalization. All good practices cover all missions of higher education and mission relations operations.

2. The system for operating the university-society relations mission of Thai higher education institutions had 5 components, consisting of 1) current conditions and the expected future picture (need), which had 2 subcomponents. 2) Input factors: 4 subcomponents: 3) Operation (Activity) had 3 subcomponents; 4) Output (Output) had 2 subcomponents; and 5) Results and Impacts. (Outcome/Impact) had 2 subcomponents.

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How to Cite
Thabkrong, S., Ponathong, C., & Sukwan, O. (2024). The Development of the University Social Engagement Operating System for Thai Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(6), 3472–3484. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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