Development of a Structural Equation Model for a Circular Economy System to Promote Sustainable Community-Based Tourism in Western Thailand

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Pimchanok Mulmit
Pitak Siriwong
Patipat Tunming


This research aimed to 1) analyze the circular economy components to promote sustainable community-based tourism in Western Thailand and 2) develop a structural equation model of the circular economy system to promote sustainable community-based tourism in Western Thailand. Data were collected through questionnaires from 400 tourism stakeholders in 4 communities: Ban Hua Ao (Nakhon Pathom), Huai Saphan Samakkhi (Kanchanaburi), Ban Rang Phlap (Ratchaburi), and Laem Phak Bia (Phetchaburi), with 100 respondents per community selected through multi-stage sampling. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling with AMOS software. The research findings revealed that:

1. The confirmatory factor analysis of the development of the circular economy system to promote sustainable community-based tourism identified 3 components: (1) community resilience, (2) community-based tourism, and (3) circular economy system, respectively.

2. The analysis of the model for developing a circular economy system to promote sustainable community-based tourism in western Thailand yielded goodness of fit statistics as follows: Chi-Square = 128.315; df = 118; Relative x2 = 1.087; p-value = 0.243; GFI = 0.972; NFI = 0.980; TLI = 0.997; CFI = 0.998; RMSEA = 0.015; RMR = 0.005. These variables collectively explained 94.8% of the variance in promoting sustainable community-based tourism. Therefore, community-based tourism significantly influenced the promotion of sustainable community-based tourism at the 0.001 level, mediated through the circular economy system and community resilience.

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How to Cite
Mulmit, P., Siriwong, P. ., & Tunming, P. (2024). Development of a Structural Equation Model for a Circular Economy System to Promote Sustainable Community-Based Tourism in Western Thailand. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(6), 3359–3380. retrieved from
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