A Review of Cross-Cultural Adaptation in China-Indonesia Joint Ventures

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Bing Chi
Zhenhua Gu


This article aimed to explore three key areas: 1) the main issues and challenges faced by China-Indonesia joint ventures in cross-cultural adaptation; 2) the impact of cultural differences and communication barriers on operational efficiency and employee satisfaction; and 3) strategies for enhancing employees' cultural understanding and adaptability. The study focused on China-Indonesia joint ventures engaged in economic and trade cooperation under the “Belt and Road” initiative. Data were gathered through comprehensive literature research, and analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The findings were as follows:

1. Cross-cultural adaptation significantly influenced operational efficiency and employee satisfaction. Effective adaptation reduced misunderstandings and conflicts, fostering better team collaboration and enhancing innovation capabilities.

2. Practical cross-cultural training and communication strategies were essential for improving overall performance and sustainability. Customized training tailored to employees' diverse backgrounds boosts their cultural understanding and adaptability.

3. Establishing cultural safety and building networks were crucial for cultivating an inclusive work environment. These factors led to improved mental health, higher job satisfaction, and enhanced employee performance, facilitating smoother integration into the local market and strengthening the sustainability of enterprises.

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How to Cite
Chi, B., & Gu, Z. (2024). A Review of Cross-Cultural Adaptation in China-Indonesia Joint Ventures. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(6), 3097–3113. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/274581
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