Model Law for the Orderliness of Non-hotel Accommodation and Dormitory


  • Wanchai Promrak School of Laws, Sripatum University
  • Professor Dr.Sunee Mallikamarl School of Laws, Sripatum University


Accommodation, Management, Model Law for the Orderliness of the Accommodation


           This research has the purpose for preparing the Model Law for the Orderliness of Non-hotel Accommodation and Dormitory which is not under the Hotel Act B.E. 2547 and the Dormitory Act B.E. 2558 to be the general law which is the law for setting the minimum standards in the operation, management, and servicing of the hotel entrepreneur with the enforceable measures and the responsible organization to control, direct, and promote the operation from the beginning which shall be useful to the social and economic of the country in the terms of the protection crime, social order, hygiene, consumer protection, state security, and tourism image. Currently, Thailand has not a specific law for controlling, directing, and promoting the operation, efficiently. The current law has be brought to enforce when the problems has been happened and distributed into the various laws.

           The result is the draft of the Model Law for the Orderliness of Non-hotel Accommodation and Dormitory which has the enforceable suitable law measures. The Model Law shall be the enforceable for the accommodation operation for useful, protection and solving any problems, includes it shall be the benefit to the entrepreneur that will be promoted by the state. The model law will be establish as the Orderliness of Non-hotel Accommodation and Dormitory Act B.E. …. which will be comprised of  Definition of Accommodation, Organization to direct and control, Promoting and Directing Committee, Authorization, Administration, Liability of Entrepreneur, and Public participation.


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How to Cite

Promrak, W., & Mallikamarl, S. (2021). Model Law for the Orderliness of Non-hotel Accommodation and Dormitory. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 8(1), 81–97. Retrieved from


