The Model of Participation in Quality of Life Elderly Promotion : A Case Study in Elderly School ,Nongrong Sub-District, Phanomthuan District, Kanchanaburi Province
การมีส่วนร่วม, คุณภาพชีวิต, ผู้สูงอายุ, โรงเรียนผู้สูงอายุAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study the quality of life of the elderly and factors affecting the quality of life of the elderly as well as needs for enhancing the quality of life of the elderly and create a model of participation in enhancing the quality of life of the elderly in the elderly school in Nong Rong Subdistrict, Phanom Thuan District, Kanchanaburi Province. Which as research and development using mixed research methods between collecting quantitative data and quality data, and this research were divided into 3 steps i.e. 1. quality of life study, factors affecting the quality of life, and needs to enhance the quality of life of the elderly. 2 creating a model of participation in enhancing the quality of life of the elderly. And 3 presenting the development model of participation in enhancing the quality of life of the elderly in the Nong Rong Subdistrict Elderly School. The population studied in the elderly population in the Nong Rong Subdistrict elderly school, and who are specifically involved in the development of quality of life of the selected elderly using the questionnaire on quality of life of the elderly in 4 aspects, consisting of Bodyside, psychological, social relations, environmental, factors related to the quality of life, need to improve quality of life, participation in the development of quality of life and group discussion. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis.
The results of the research showed that: the quality of life of the elderly in the schools, the overall of the elderly was at the high level, with an average of 4.02. The factors relating to the quality of life of the elderly in the schools of the elderly were at a high level with an average of 4.01. As for the desire to enhance the quality of life of the elderly, there is a need to enhance the quality of life, both physically, mentally, socially and socially, and environmentally. As for the model of participation in enhancing the quality of life of the elderly in schools, the elderly arise from operations between network partners in the area and local administrative organizations to jointly think and develop activities, to be used to improve the quality of life of the elderly including physical health, mental health, social relations, and the environment together with public awareness by using local culture to create a common point of strengthening community power. Using the principles of participation in driving operations which are participating in decision making action planning, monitoring, and evaluation, and receiving benefits by there were relying on the responsibility of the whole community. That is ready to perform the work to improve the quality of life of the elderly in the comm
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