The Creation of English Tourism Route Guidebook to Promote Tourism In Sisaket Province


  • Thanyathip Boonyiam -Miss


Tourism Routes Guidebook, Components, Connection, Tourism, Sisaket Province


The research “The Creation of English Tourism Routes Guidebook to Promote Tourism in Sisaket Province” aimed to study the components and connections of tourism in Sisaket Province and to create an English tourism routes guidebook to promote tourism in Sisaket Province. The researcher collected data from 30 samples selected by purposive sampling method divided into two groups: 1) five key informants and 2) twenty-five foreign tourists.

                The research findings on the components and connections of tourism in Sisaket Province revealed that there were several natural, historical, and cultural tourist attractions in many districts. The three main components led to connections of tourism routes. In contrast, the information on tourism and services, management, and publicity did not attract both Thai and foreign tourists due to the limitation of staff and budget used to support the publicity. In addition, there were very few tourism guidebooks and documents in English language providing information and routes related to tourism in each tourist place.

According to the study of the components and connections of the 17 major tourist attractions in Sisaket Province, they were divided into four routes. The researcher collected and improved data based on comments from the experts and users. The evaluation results showed an average of 4.14 from the experts and 4.16 from the users. Both of them were at a high level. The researcher created English tourism routes guidebook providing information about itinerary, restaurants, souvenirs, accommodation, and recommendations on traveling along each route, including the tourism routes linking to natural tourist attractions which represented the various forms of beauty in the landscapes. Moreover, it presented the historical and archeological sites which represented the local history, art, and culture of each community.





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How to Cite

Boonyiam, T. (2023). The Creation of English Tourism Route Guidebook to Promote Tourism In Sisaket Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 10(1), 86–98. Retrieved from


