Integration of Thai Folk Music Culture (Ram Thon) with Jazz Music Culture towards Creative Contemporary Music Culture


  • Mr.Suchat Saengthong -Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University


Keywords: Integration of music culture; Thai folk music culture (Ram Thon); Jazz music culture; creative contemporary music culture.



Music culture to related of the culture and human society as reflecting the transmission of music culture in that civil society to very well. This paper aiming to synthesize the contemporary music knowledge with extension conceptual of music culture into an integration of Thai folk music culture (Ram Thon) with Jazz music culture towards creative contemporary music culture. However, the creative contemporary music culture was chord placement of melodic movements, primary chord and secondary chord to emphasis on the use of jazz chords in tension, the use of the structure of form include the introduction, the melody, the connecting bridge, the improvisation, and the ending Based on the structure of chord progression, and visualize based on the scale assigned to each chord structure. Finally, This research knowledge can convey contemporary music culture towards extension of creative contemporary music culture to completely.

Keywords: Integration of music culture; Thai folk music culture (Ram Thon); Jazz music culture; creative contemporary music culture.



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How to Cite

Saengthong, M. (2023). Integration of Thai Folk Music Culture (Ram Thon) with Jazz Music Culture towards Creative Contemporary Music Culture. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 9(2), 162–175. retrieved from


