The development of North Tha Nuea dance for teachers in Uttaradit Province


  • ณัฐพัชร์ มหายศนันท์ -


The development of dance dances in the northern region for teachers in Uttaradit province. The objective is to develop a dance posture in the northern region for teachers in Uttaradit Province. to try out the dancing arts The northern port area for teachers in Uttaradit Province To assess the teachers' satisfaction with the dancing arts. The northern port area for teachers in Uttaradit Province The sample group is Thirty teachers in Uttaradit province who were interested and responsible for teaching dramatic arts used a voluntary selection technique. The tools used in this research are: A set of training activities for dancing arts in the area of Tha Nuea Test before and after training Performing Arts Skills Test The teacher's satisfaction questionnaire towards the North Tha Nuea dance and using the theory of performance components, light and color theory, together with Professor Dr. Chaiyong Promwong's 7 steps of innovation development process, which consisted of (1) studying the knowledge of innovation; and innovation; (3) drafting a conceptual framework for innovation; (4) asking for opinions from experts; (5) drafting prototypes, writing research reports; (6) testing the effectiveness and/or certifying prototypes of innovative work pieces; and (7) improving and writing reports. Research

          The results showed that the development of dance postures for teachers in Uttaradit province The name of the show is "Dancing Arts at Tha Nuea", the music used for the performance is composed by a tune of the Pi Phat Krueng Ha ensemble. Lao Charoensri sang song with the idea of ​​composing lyrics from the province's slogan to compile. New ideas, as appropriate with the songs, are concise and suitable for the new generation, reflecting the way of life. Identity of Uttaradit Province the dress has designed the dress to be responsive and appropriately promote the performance There are 12 performers and the dance moves are arranged in a dance style. It is a type of stylistic dance according to the lyrics of the song. adhere to the principles of dance The language of dance, including dance from the big master, mixed with the traditional dance of the northern region. There are 8 dance poses and 9 main dances, consisting of 1 dance, Yolayin Phatthabat, 2nd dance, Bow Phraya Phichai, 3rd dance, Sirikit Dam, 4th dance, Sak The 5th dance, Phra Thaen Sila-at, 6th dance, Lek Nam Phi, 7th dance, Langsat, 8th dance, the legend of the city of widows, 9th dance, Long Lap Lae, Uttaradit. The results of the experiment of using the North Tha Nuea dance for teachers in Uttaradit Province Scores from the pre-testing activities using Northern dance for teachers in Uttaradit Province The mean was 8.29, the standard deviation was 1.79 or 41.45%, and the score from the test after participating in the learning activities using the northern dance arts for teachers. in Uttaradit Province The mean was 16.5, the standard deviation was 1.01, representing 82.58%. The mean score of the test after participating in the training activities using the northern dances for teachers. in Uttaradit Province Not less than 75%, which is very good. The results of the dance skills practice in the Northern region for teachers in Uttaradit province after participating in the dance skills training activity were overall found that Thirty teachers in Uttaradit Province had an average practice skill of 4, the standard deviation was 0.79 or 80.27%, which was in a very good level. Satisfaction in the development of dancing arts North port for teachers in Uttaradit Province It was found that the teachers who participated were satisfied with the northern dances for the teachers. in Uttaradit Province Overall, it was at a high level (r = 3.91, SD = 0.73) when considering each item. It was found that the items with the highest satisfaction scores were sorted according to the satisfaction level. The items that received the highest satisfaction score were 4, i.e. items 2,3,4,6,8,9. The 3.95 satisfaction level were as follows: Item 11, the score of 3.85 satisfaction, i.e. 5,7, the score of satisfaction 3.7, i.e. item 1,10, the mean level of satisfaction is 3.91, which is considered very satisfied.


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How to Cite

มหายศนันท์ ณ. (2023). The development of North Tha Nuea dance for teachers in Uttaradit Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 10(1), 43–59. Retrieved from


