The Implementation of Rule of Law on the Administrative Authority of the Cabinet.


  • Pongsapon Mahawat
  • Sunee Mallikamarl


Rule of Law, Implementation of Administrative Authority, Cabinet, Legal development


The objective of this research is to formulate a law to apply the rule of law to the use of the Cabinet's administrative powers. The research used qualitative research methodology, including document research. In-depth interview Participation in design, co-design and feedback to collect and analyze information.

The results showed that the exercise of governmental powers of the Council of Ministers is essential to protecting the rights and freedoms of the people in a democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State. And affect the credibility of the Thai legal system Cabinet exercises administrative powers and affect social and economic Affects the trust and confidence of both domestic and foreign investors. At present, the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2560 B.E. But the problem is there has been no study and research on the rule of law suitable for exercising the governmental powers of the Cabinet. The results of this research therefore provide answers on the elements of the rule of law that are suitable for the Cabinet to apply. And in order for the rule of law to be implemented in a concrete manner, there must be a law to support the research, which requires the development of the State Administration Act 1991 with the addition of two principles on the rule of law, which is equality. And transparency In the Administrative Regulations Act B.E. 2534 (1991), the structure of the additional provisions is the meaning and elements of the rule of law Characteristics of the use of administrative powers of the Cabinet.


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How to Cite

Pongsapon Mahawat, & Sunee Mallikamarl. (2023). The Implementation of Rule of Law on the Administrative Authority of the Cabinet. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 9(2), 66–81. retrieved from


