Development of Systems and Operating Mechanisms for Improving the Quality of Life at the District Level to Solve the Problem of Traffic Accidents, Muang District, Uttaradit Province.


  • Somchai Thongkrasan


Solving traffic accident problems, Improving the quality of life


This research and development  aim to study general knowledge about traffic laws, traffic law practices of people in Muang District, Uttaradit Province. To develop of systems and operating mechanisms and assessing the effectiveness systems and operating mechanisms for improving the quality of life at the district level to solve the problem of traffic accidents, Muang District, Uttaradit Province. The sample group includes 465 people involved in solving traffic accidents in Uttaradit Province. Data were collected using the research instruments included guidelines for in-depth interview, workshop topics, and questionnaires. Quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis.

          The results from a study showed that  appropriate approaches and methods in the implementation of the development of quality of life at the district level to solve the problem of traffic accidents in Muang District Uttaradit Province. Emphasize the participation of network partners in setting targets and solutions in the area, including an integrated budget action plan with activities derived from joint thinking and planning Participate in action and participate in evaluation. focus on public relations Campaign to raise awareness of punishment and risk Educate people to comply with traffic laws create learning resources Campaign to create trends and awareness of traffic accident prevention safe driving behavior Modification of driver behavior in regard to compliance with traffic laws and should increase the intensity of law enforcement Strict detection and coverage. Research operations lead to this practice. causing the death rate of traffic accidents Mueang Uttaradit District Uttaradit Province decreased from 42.61 percent in 2021 to 30.15 percent in 2022.


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How to Cite

Somchai Thongkrasan. (2023). Development of Systems and Operating Mechanisms for Improving the Quality of Life at the District Level to Solve the Problem of Traffic Accidents, Muang District, Uttaradit Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 9(2), 114–129. retrieved from


