Study of Archaeological and Historical Sites in the Ing River Basin in Phayao Province to develop into a historical tourism


  • Jaruwan Poshyananda UNIVERSITY OF PHAYAO
  • Warach Madhyamapurush
  • Prakobsiri Pakdeepinit
  • Satit Chuayounan


Archaeological and historical sites , the Ing River Basin, Historical tourism, Archaeological and historical sites Ing River Basin, Historical tourism



          A study of archaeological and historical sites in the Ing River Basin in Phayao Province to develop them as the historical tourism. The objectives of this study were to study the context of cultural resources in archaeological and historical sites around the Ing River Basin in Phayao Province in order to develop them into the historical tourism of Phayao Province.

The results of the study obtained from the assessment of the quality standards of historical sites in Phayao Province showed that the historical tourism of Phabao Province can be divided according to the standard quality into 5 groups as follows: Group 1 historical tourism with excellent quality are: Wiang Lo Group 2: historical tourism with very good quality, namely Wat Sri Khom Kham, Group 3. historical tourism with good quality, such as Wat Phathat Jong Thong, Wat Lee, Wat Tilok Aram, Group 4. historical tourism with moderate quality were Wat Rong Hai, Bor Sip Song Group 5, historical tourism with low quality, Wat Sop Rong Kui. in good level

The archaeological and historical sites of Phayao Province had the highest potential to support tourism (77.5 percent), followed by the potential to attract tourism (68.4 percent). Including historical tourist attractions in Phayao Province was the lowest (51.9%).

Keywords :  Archaeological and historical sites , the Ing River Basin,   Historical tourism



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How to Cite

Poshyananda, J., Madhyamapurush, W. ., Pakdeepinit, P. ., & Chuayounan, S. . (2023). Study of Archaeological and Historical Sites in the Ing River Basin in Phayao Province to develop into a historical tourism. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 10(1), 1–16. Retrieved from


