Community management process for natural resource conservation buffer forest conservation area in northern thailand



  • ยุชิตา กันหามิ่ง มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา
  • พัจน์พิตตา ศรีสมพงษ์
  • วารัชต์ มัธยมบุรุษ
  • ฤทัยภัทร พิมลศรี


Community management, Conservation area, Buffer forest


Subject research Community management process for natural resource conservation buffer forest conservation area in northern Thailand, The purpose of this study was to study the situation of tourism in the community and the management of community buffer forest conservation areas in the northern region of Thailand. It is a qualitative research using specific interviews 20 people were interviewed with community leaders/chairmen or committees that handle community tourism. Data were analyzed by in-depth interviews. Use the analysis of content gathered from community leaders or community committees to be processed and analyzed and summarized according to the study issues.

The results showed that The tourism situation of each community has brought out the prominence and identity in the existing community. both natural resources livelihoods or community traditions Based on these outstanding features, they are utilized in the field of tourism, with the community itself contributing to maintaining and raising the prominence. The cooperation of the community results in unity and cherishing resources, generating income, career opportunities. and good quality of life which has been passed on to the next generation, resulting in sustainable tourism The management of the 10 community areas is managed in 2 ways: The community manages the community area by itself without any government agencies to take care of it. Comes from the needs of the community. Collaborate by forming a group. division of duties Most of which are in the form of village committees. and the community cooperates with the government with agencies to help take care of Provide support in terms of educating, managing, administering, etc., by setting up a committee that takes care of specific areas such as tourism. forest conservation, etc.


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How to Cite

กันหามิ่ง ย., พัจน์พิตตา ศรีสมพงษ์, วารัชต์ มัธยมบุรุษ, & ฤทัยภัทร พิมลศรี. (2023). Community management process for natural resource conservation buffer forest conservation area in northern thailand: -. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 10(1), 126–137. Retrieved from


