Guidelines Guidelines for the adjustment practices of medium-sized hotel business in Chiang Mai during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • pusanisa thipwong -
  • นิรมล พรมนิล
  • วารัชต์ มัธยมบุรุษ


Medium-Sized Hotel, COVID-19 pandemic


This study aims to explore the adjustment practices of medium-sized hotel business in Chiang Mai during the COVID-19 pandemic. By interviewing with 6 hotel manager, this study found 4 similar strategies adapting in practices the medium-sized hotel business in Chiang Mai. 1)the cost reduction, including employment cost reduction, multiple roles, and . reducing the working hours of employees. 2) Revenue management .by making advertising to attractive more customers , food delivery service , and transform the hotel to be hospitels. 3) The hotel uses government measures to ensure the safety of its customers and to provide proof of vaccination before staying in the hotel. If there is a meeting or seminar in the hotel, there will be a limit on the number of people using the service. Also the hotel educated their employees about the pandemic prevention practices. 4) In terms of hotel services, the hotels allow customer for flexibly check in and check out rather than making a cancelation. We also found that the hotel provide personal service and supplementary services instead of discounting, service that exceeds expectations, and breakfast service in rooms.


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How to Cite

thipwong, pusanisa, นิรมล พรมนิล, & วารัชต์ มัธยมบุรุษ. (2023). Guidelines Guidelines for the adjustment practices of medium-sized hotel business in Chiang Mai during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 10(1), 111–125. Retrieved from


