An analysis of language use and conceptual presentation strategies in part-time reading books, Thai language learning subject group, Lower secondary education, according to the basic education core curriculum, 2008


  • วิไลวรรณ เข้มขัน -
  • Kotchaphan Kemkuakoon


language use, graded readers, strategies for conceptual presentation, basiceducation core curriculum of 2008


The objectives were to investigate the use of language and strategies for presenting concepts in selected graded readers assigned by Thai Language Department for Junior High School according to the Basic Education Core Curriculum in 2008 by analyzing the selected novels assigned as selected readers; namely “Khuat Khon Yoo Hon Dai” and “Maliwan Boy”, for Junior High School according to the Basic Education Core Curriculum in 2008 lower secondary education, The results of the study showed that in terms of language use from the novel “Khuat Khon Yoo Hon Dai”, it was found that as for word selections were found, word formation was found by the use of rhyme playing of both consonant rhyme and vowel rhyme the most, and followed by repetition of words, respectively. In terms of rhetoric, personification was found the most; followed by onomatopoeia, metaphor, similitude, and symbols, respectively. And from the novel “Maliwan Boy”, it was found that as for word selections, word formation was found by the use of rhyme playing of both consonant rhyme and vowel rhyme the most, and followed by rhyme playing, respectively. In terms of rhetoric, similitude was found the most, followed by the use of metaphors, personifications, and onomatopoeia, respectively.  


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How to Cite

เข้มขัน ว., & Kemkuakoon, K. . (2024). An analysis of language use and conceptual presentation strategies in part-time reading books, Thai language learning subject group, Lower secondary education, according to the basic education core curriculum, 2008. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 11(1), 70–81. Retrieved from