The Strategy for Regeneration of the Intangible Cultural Heritage : A Case Study of Tai Daeng Ethnic in Huai Phak Nao Village, Phu Ruea District, Loei Province


  • yaowap kongket -
  • Montri Khamwan
  • Pongpat Laokhonka


Strategic, Cultural Heritage, Tai Daeng Ethnic


The purposes of this study were to 1) to study the history of the Tai Daeng ethnic community, 2) to create social innovations in the preparation of strategies for the restoration of cultural wisdom heritage, and 3) to disseminate the cultural wisdom of the Tai Daeng ethnic community at Baan Huai Phak Nao, Lat Kang Sub-district,                   Phu Ruea District, Loei Province.  The sample group consisted of 20 people of village leaders, local philosophers, villagers, and youth groups through a specific sampling method. The research instrument was a focus group interview.

The results of the study revealed that the Tai Daeng ethnic community at Baan Huai Phak Nao, Lat Kang Sub-district, Phu Ruea District, Loei Province had three strengths as follows: 1) natural resources 2) traditions, rituals and wisdom, and 3) food and community products. Community’s weaknesses were: lacking the integration of the people in the revival of cultural traditions and lack of knowledge in managing tourist attractions and public relations for cultural tourism. Community’s opportunities were: government agencies began to provide knowledge and promote public relations regularly; there is a policy to promote cultural tourism at the national and local levels and encourage government agencies to participate in the preservation of arts and culture including having a policy to promote local hand-woven handicrafts dressing by government agencies. Community’s treats were: government budget support is insufficient, the promotion of relevant government agencies is not continuous, and the economic downturn caused people to lack income and finding jobs other places.

In conclusion, the national strategy to restore the wisdom cultural heritage of Tai Daeng ethnic community at Baan Huai Phak Nao, Lat Kang Sub-district, Phu Ruea District, Loei Province can be divided by 4 strategies as follows: 1) Restoration of cultural heritage 2) Conservation of local hand-woven handicrafts 3) Promoting good traditions and, 4) Inheriting the legend of the Tai Daeng ethnic community.

Keywords : Strategic / Cultural Heritage / Tai Daeng Ethnic


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How to Cite

kongket, yaowap, Khamwan, M. ., & Laokhonka, P. . (2023). The Strategy for Regeneration of the Intangible Cultural Heritage : A Case Study of Tai Daeng Ethnic in Huai Phak Nao Village, Phu Ruea District, Loei Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 10(2), 68–87. Retrieved from


