Sexuality: From History to Communication on Equality

Sexuality: From History to Communication on Equality


  • สมศรี คะสัน -
  • Buddhinan Boonreung
  • Kaniknan Singsanit
  • Kamolchanok Ketaoot


sexuality, equality


Traditional beliefs and values regarding gender inequality, which assert that women are inferior to men in all roles and statuses, have led to the assignment of roles and responsibilities based on economic, social, and political activities. Physical differences between men and women, with women's reproductive role relating to status, health, and reproductive health, while men's influence on behavior, power, and control over partners, are reflected in social gender roles through the ideals and values of society's members. These assigned gender roles have resulted in historical and ongoing inequality. For example, in ancient Athens, gender was divided into classes, with men having more power and social roles. Jewish history views gender through the lens of procreation, while Roman history emphasizes virginity and the persecution of witches, demonstrating oppression and violence against women. Meanwhile, Thai society values "patriarchy," where men dominate all aspects of society, and women are expected to be demure, good wives, and mothers. In the present era, communication has brought sexuality to the forefront, prompting a reevaluation of the dimensions of inequality to raise awareness of the roles of men and women beyond gender, including the communication of diverse sexualities in society. However, understanding gender equality in society requires factors such as maturity, understanding social change, the socialization process that instills gender values, and knowledge and understanding of sexuality in society through education, media consumption, and life experiences.


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How to Cite

คะสัน ส., Boonreung, B. ., Singsanit, K. ., & Ketaoot, K. . . (2024). Sexuality: From History to Communication on Equality: Sexuality: From History to Communication on Equality. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 11(1), 58–69. Retrieved from