Self-English Learning Strategies to Achieve Higher Proficiency: A Case Study of High Proficiency English Major Students


  • Kusuma Ruangpattanakul -


Self-English learning strategies, English proficiency, English learning difficulties


The objectives of this study were to 1) to explore the self-English learning (SEL) strategies employed by high proficiency English major students and investigate their preferred methods for improving the four main English skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and 2) to examine the effective techniques these students use to overcome challenges encountered in their English language development journey. The participants consisted of 30 English major students holding Grade Point Average more than 3.50 in all English subject fields. The survey instruments used for collecting the data included a questionnaire and focus group interview and to be analyzed by mean and standard deviation. The result revealed that these advanced English students primarily utilize digital resources, particularly AI chatbots and online translation tools, alongside traditional techniques to enhance their language acquisition and address specific learning challenges. Based on the results, it is suggested that instructors should integrate a hybrid approach, combining AI-powered tools with traditional techniques, to enhance students' English proficiency achievement.


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How to Cite

Ruangpattanakul, K. (2024). Self-English Learning Strategies to Achieve Higher Proficiency: A Case Study of High Proficiency English Major Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 11(2), 1–18. retrieved from