Transliteration of Thai Words in French: A Case Study of Transliteration in Menus and Translated Literature

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Theera Roungtheera


This article aims to study the romanization of Thai consonants and vowels in French documents and to compare the system adopted in such documents to the Royal Thai General System of Transcription (RTGS). Data was collected from 15 Thai restaurant menus in France and four Thai works of literature translated into French. The results revealed different ways of transliterating Thai words in French, none of which followed the RTGS. Four transliteration methods were discovered: transliteration, transcription, graphemic Anglicization and graphemic Francization. The study also shows that the different text types may affect the consistency of the transliteration. That is, the transliteration in a formal text tends to be more consistent than that in a non-formal text.

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How to Cite
Roungtheera, T. (2022). Transliteration of Thai Words in French: A Case Study of Transliteration in Menus and Translated Literature. Language and Linguistics, 40(1), 1–29. Retrieved from
Research Article


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