Code Mixing and Linguistic Borrowing of English in Thai
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In previous research on code-mixing and borrowing of English in the first language, there has been a debate on whether to differentiate between code-mixing and borrowing. However, no previous research on language mixing and borrowing of English in Thai has looked at the criteria for separating code-mixing and borrowing of English in Thai. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the criteria for the analysis of English code-mixing words and borrowed words in the Thai language. The data were 400 English code-mixing words or borrowed words collected from 10 Thai magazines and newspapers published between the years 2019-2020. The findings showed that the criteria for the analysis of English code-mixing words can be ordered as follows: multiples written forms > English form usage > phonological integration. In addition, the criteria for the analysis of English borrowed words can be ordered as follows: phonological integration > Thai equivalents > morphological integration > syntactic integration > frequency of occurrence > existence in dictionary > semantic change, respectively. Lastly, the results showed that English words in Thai can be classified into 3 groups. The first group is a code-mixing stage. These represent words with 1-3 characteristics of code-mixing and 1-2 characteristics of borrowing. The second group is a code mixing and lexical borrowing stage. These represent words with 1-3 characteristics of code-mixing and 2-7 characteristics of borrowing. The final stage is the lexical borrowing stage. These are words with 1 characteristic of code-mixing and 3-6 characteristics of borrowing.
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