Linguistic Devices for Image Restoration in the Discourse of Announcements Made by the Government Official about Mass Shootings in Thailand

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Nipada Phorueang
Suchitra Siripanich


The objective of this article is to examine linguistic devices for image restoration in the discourse of the announcements made by government officials in the “Nakhon Ratchasima shootings” and “Nong Bua Lamphu shootings” by using typology of image restoration strategies (Benoit, 1995, 1997, 2015) as the framework in the analysis. The results reveal that there are five linguistic devices used by government officials; namely, 1. denial, 2. evading responsibility, 3. reducing offensiveness, 4. corrective action, and 5. mortification. The most preferred device is “denial” which consists of many sub-tactics: simple denial, shifting the blame, and invalidating fault. However, the analysis also shows that “mortification” is the least common device occurring in the discourse. Therefore, the findings indicate that the government officials try to offset the negative image of the organization and restore its image. 

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How to Cite
Phorueang, N., & Siripanich, S. (2024). Linguistic Devices for Image Restoration in the Discourse of Announcements Made by the Government Official about Mass Shootings in Thailand. Language and Linguistics, 42(1), 32–62. Retrieved from
Research Article


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