English Content Structure in Digital Marketing: The New Normal Context in Chiang Rai Cultural Tourism
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Digital marketing plays a crucial role in communicating and promoting tourism experiences in the new normal context. This article analyses the structure of English content in digital marketing within the new normal context of Chiang Rai cultural tourism. Data from 29 online sources were analyzed 174 English texts on cultural tourism destinations in Muang District, Chiang Rai Province, uploaded between 2020 and 2022. Opinions from English language experts, marketing, and tourism entrepreneurs regarding the importance and objectives of the data were also examined. It was found that there are 10 key components or “moves”, namely Move 1: Location highlights, Move 2: Attraction information, Move 3: Artists/Famous people, Move 4: Architectural style, Move 5: Activities, Move 6: Visiting advice, Move 7: Summary/ Invitations, Move 8: Location, Move 9: Discovery channel, and Move 10: Visit rate. The most important of these are Move 1, 2 and 8, which are essential for each content piece. The importance of the other moves varies; their inclusion depends on each source’s communicative purpose and context. In addition, information about New Normal Tourism should be included in Move 6: Visiting advice or elsewhere in the text to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Each move can be communicated through various formats, including text, visual illustrations, animations, or by pinpointing locations on Google Maps via QR codes scanned with digital devices.
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