Categorization of Words with the Meaning “Madness” in Thai: A Cognitive Semantics Analysis

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Somprasong Saeng-in


This research aims to categorize 158 terms that mean “madness” in Thai and explain the conceptualization of its meaning. The findings show that the term encompasses 8 prototype semantic attributes: [human], [different], [damaged], [unaware], [obsession], [illness], [mental state], and [expression], with the prototype terms being “บ้า” /bâ:/ and “คลั่ง” /klâŋ/. Additionally, Thai expresses the meaning of “crazy” through two conceptual metaphor systems. The first system is metonymy, which includes [important organs], [crazy person’s behavior], [symptoms or diseases], and [treatment]. The second system is metaphor, which includes [superhuman or non-human], [leaky container], [damaged object], [incomplete object], [unawareness], [being consumed by a severe illness], [being possessed], [straying from the area or path], and [failing to reach a destination]

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How to Cite
Saeng-in, S. (2024). Categorization of Words with the Meaning “Madness” in Thai: A Cognitive Semantics Analysis . Language and Linguistics, 42(2), 118–142. Retrieved from
Research Article


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