
The Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society (NHBSS) was first published in 1914 as The Journal of the Natural History Society of Siam. In January of 1925 the Natural History Society, founded in 1913, was amalgamated with The Siam Society (founded in 1904), and then became the Natural History Section of the Siam Society. Its journal was renamed The Journal of the Siam Society, Natural History Supplement. The NHBSS assumed its current name with the Vol. 14 No. 2 issue published in 1947. Several hiatuses in publication occurred in the past such as during World War II.

The Honorary Editor of the NHBSS is an elected member of the Council of the Siam Society, and edits the NHBSS with the help of an appointed international editorial board. The Society strives to publish two issues per year. The NHBSS is available in printed form free to all members of the Siam Society and to others by subscription or purchase by mail or in person at the society’s office. The complete contents of the NHBSS back to 1914 are available on the Siam Society’s website.

In the early decades of its existence the NHBSS primarily published articles on traditional natural history, as the fauna and flora of Siam and neighboring countries were just beginning to be described and inventoried. While the NHBSS is still eager to publish original natural history observaions, its contents have broadened out into ecology, environmental science and conservation biology. The Siam Society has become more focussed on how to safeguard and preserve the cutural and natural heritage of the kingdom in the face of rampant economic development and destruction, and to get people to appreciate and understand this heritage.

The NHBSS is indexed in BIOSIS Previews, Biological Abstracts and the Zoological Record.

Editorial correspondence and manuscripts for submission should be sent to the Honorary Editor, Natural History Bulletin, The Siam Society, at the address above or sent by e-mail to Dr. Prachya Musikasinthorn, Honorary Editor (Editor-in-Chief) of the NHBSS, at



Fields: natural histotory including ecology, taxonomy, systematics, biogeography, evolution and geology, and conservation, natural resource management and other related fields, of relevance to Thailand or Southeast Asia.


Issues per year: 2 issues


Reviewing prossess: each manuscript reviewed by at least 2 reviewers (referees) by single blind method


Types of contributions: letter, conservation news and events, commentary, review, research article, note, book review (see details in “Instructions to Authors of Manuscripts for the Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society”)